Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Another day another dollar

I am happy to announce that I have sold one of my neckwarmers! Yes, it's goodbye Butterscotch Dots! It was a surprise because I had been at work all day and didn't get to check my email or etsy till about 10 p.m. last night, it was a good end to a not so good day! Thank you so much for your purchase!
In other news I'm tackling a new project today! For one of my classes we have to teach our partner how to do something, I'm teaching my friend how to knit! She claims she is completely devoid of any craftiness but we'll see what we can do! Wish us luck!
Stay warm 'cause baby it's cold outside!


Susie said...

Congrats on the new sale! If you need help teaching your friend to knit, check YouTube for instructional videos. Good luck!